Decode ZikaThe Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) awarded $3.5 million to Dr. Marteleto and research team to study the consequences of the Zika epidemic for reproductive health and fertility in Brazil, the country with the highest disease incidence to date. The study will provide vital information regarding long-term implications of Zika in Brazilian women’s reproductive health, fertility and subsequent pregnancy with parallel implications for every country Zika has touched. Specifically, the project will collect and analyze rich new survey data on women’s Zika exposure and reproductive intentions, behaviors, and outcomes in two regions of Brazil. The project will also link longitudinal data to existing administrative records and spatial data on Zika incidence from the Brazilian National and State Secretaries of Health and to pre-epidemic state-representative survey data from 2013. Together, these analyses will provide a comprehensive understanding of reproductive responses to the Zika epidemic and their demographic consequences.